Local Backups For MSPs Overview 2024

Published 34 days ago5 min readBackup Hardware...
Data Backup Hardware Solutions

Local backups are the discussion of all articles in this grouping of backup related articles.

Local backup solutions have been with us from the start and they are still going strong. The articles listed below will discuss anything to do with local backups including local backup vendors, backup applications used primarily with local backup strategies as well as backup hardware.

The reason local backups have not been completely replaced by cloud backup solutions is primarily because of speed, access and cost. Local backups will always tend to be faster at pushing and pulling client data across a given connection.

Access is going to be much easier than backing up to the cloud and backup clients tend to feel better knowing their information is under their control. Data restoration is where it is at though and the speed that a local backup solution is able to restore information leaves all other forms of backup in the dust.

My belief is that to have a truly effective backup as a service solution, you actually need the speed and reliability of a local backup solution combined with the segregation of a cloud backup strategy. This is in my mind the only solution I would offer to clients because having only one or the other increases the risk of providing a backup service significantly.

While you are here, take a look at some of our other Backup overviews which break down several important backup topics that may interest service providers:

Local Backup Articles

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MSP Backups